Thursday, October 20, 2011

Life and death

Life is given to a creature
We have to take care and nurture
Life is beautiful in nature
That is full of adventure

It is a gift from God
So we should be happy and not sad
Life may lead us to good and bad
But there's always a way and we should be glad

Life is too short
It has it's beginning and ending
For life is existing and death is nothing
So live life to the fullest so that it is worth dying

L- ife 
I- s
F-ull of
E- xcitement

D- istance between
E- xistence
A- nd
T- he end of time
H- ere on earth

Sunday, August 7, 2011


There was a time I was all by myself 
sitting so still sorrounded by the noise
It seems like at the time I was in grief
Eventhough no one never make me miff

And maybe it's really wasn't my day...
But I guess, I'm getting used in that way
Grasp a deep breath without nothing to say
I think these things are stationary

Suddenly, I stop something I ponder
I gaze upon someone on the corner
She's a girl that sincerely stare at me
I bet there's nothing about what I see

After some time, she sent a text message
Since I don't know her, I ask who is she?
Telling herself was all that she can be
I'm fluffy, for her not to be outrage

So we had constant communication
Till it came to a point we became FRIENDS
Not just friends but instead my BEST CHUMMY
Where I find at my best when I'm with her

She's one of my weakness also my strength
I just can't measure her at any length
For she is not like anybody else
She's so special and my one and only...